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Case Study: How to transform a classical Shopping Bag into the object which may bring you 6,000 new leads

Classical promotional products include plastic bags or textile bags. But there is a method by which you can turn this promotional product into a product that your customers or partners use with pleasure and do not immediately cram into the drawer bag, where they can forget about it. In this article we want to show you how to do this, without costs that double your advertising budget.

There is a method by which the message or brand you are promoting can reach at least 6,000 people.

This method does not involve spending half as much as it would cost you to advertise on radio or television.
And no, it's not about online campaigns. It's about how to use a product in a creative way. It's about reinventing a promotional item, which once your clients and partners receive, they can use it hundreds or even thousands of times.
This is all about the promotional bag. From paper, plastic, cotton or linen, it can ensure a long life for your message and can be seen on average by 6000 people.

Think about how often you see it on the street, in malls, at seaside.

But some of these shopping bags get used only once, while others have a much longer life. If printed accordingly, shopping bags become part of the objects that allow us to occupy some of the personal space of our clients and partners. More than that, they can even be the objects they proudly turn to, time and time again or even speak about with friends, colleagues or family.

But there are some conditions that the bag must meet if you want this kind of attention. Here are 3 golden rules:

- the material from which the bag is made must be of good quality
- the message must be about the customer, not only brand bragging
- the printed message must still look good after dozens of uses

Out of this 3 rules, by far the second one makes almost all the difference between a forgotten bag in a drawer and one that customers actually use.

And because we want to give you all the inspiration you need, we offer below an example of a bag that we successfully tested at the latest Advertising and Printing Fair in Warsaw.

The results were really WOW. There were people who read the message and were visible marked by it (you could easily tell by their face reactions). We saw people who used the bag during all three days of the fair and who wrote us how much they liked our gift. So...

What made a difference?

The model we've chosen for the fair was a textile bag, durable, with long handles.

The handles provided extra comfort and made the bag easier to carry. Comfort is an important attribute when speaking about fairs and we wanted to give a comfortable bag. We wanted to make it easier for participant to visit the stands and especially help them secure their goods.

At the same time, we wanted the design of the bag to follow the concept of our stand (this design started from giant pencils that visitors had at hand to color the walls of our stand). So, the magic colors had to be also on the bag. The logo of the agency had been positioned discreetly and was done with respect for the entire design. Thus we made sure that it does not disturb aesthetically and does not create visual discomfort.

The point of resistance of the whole concept was just the message printed inside the bag and that adds that extra reason why you want to carry with you such a trivial object.

We wanted to highlight the message even more, so we chose to simply offer the bag, without any other gift inside.  It was a bet we've made: that people will still take the beg and want to use it, empty as it was.

The results from the event showed us that people, even those who have seen a promotional bag or who in turn sell something similar, may still be surprised. And they may want to keep your gift, and moreover, willingly promote your message.

But this happens as long as you turn them into your partners in this magical journey into the world of promotion and you do not treat them as mere billboards. Which is really a challenge in itself, but a challenge for which we put all our resources at your disposal. From printing services offered in our workshop, to creative ideas and a generous range of products to choose from, depending on your budget, we can offer them all. And because we're still talking about ideas, here are some that can inspire you to choose the right shopping bag for you:

Want to create your next WOW promotional campaign? Contact one of our consultants at office@todayadvertising.ro.

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